HS Video Tour

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Make a video tour of the hackerspace, showing off the space, some of the cool projects there are, the people and etc. It could be something like [1] (however I'd like to make the one for Fixme a bit better), and useful for [2]


  1. Show general location of HS (in Lausanne), quick shot of famous-ish places and right to the street outside HS
  2. Someone walking towards HS and then going in
    1. Camera tracks behind his right shoulder (which is out of focus), as the person enters the hackerspace
    2. Then shows a quick pan of the HS
  3. Goes into a bit more detail of a few aspects, e.g. electronics corner, storage space, couch, etc
  4. Start looking into particular projects
    1. LED retrofit
    2. RPi SDR
    3.  RFID Door
    4.  Fixme web-aps (burgers, lights, mpd, etc)
    5. Your project here
  5. Mini-interviews of the president and other important people
  6. Finish with a timelapse of the hackerspace as seen from an apartment from across the street
    1. Show contact details
    2. Location
    3. Credits

Don't hesitate to add your own ideas!

Future Plans

Make a YT channel with a ton of videos, which could bring in new people, and even a bit of revenue....
