HS Video Tour
From Fixme.ch
Make a video tour of the hackerspace, showing off the space, some of the cool projects there are, the people and etc. It could be something like [1] (however I'd like to make the one for Fixme a bit better), and useful for [2]
- Show general location of HS (in Lausanne), quick shot of famous-ish places and right to the street outside HS
- Someone walking towards HS and then going in
- Camera tracks behind his right shoulder (which is out of focus), as the person enters the hackerspace
- Then shows a quick pan of the HS
- Goes into a bit more detail of a few aspects, e.g. electronics corner, storage space, couch, etc
- Start looking into particular projects
- LED retrofit
- RFID Door
- Fixme web-aps (burgers, lights, mpd, etc)
- Your project here
- Mini-interviews of the president and other important people
- Finish with a timelapse of the hackerspace as seen from an apartment from across the street
- Show contact details
- Location
- Credits
Don't hesitate to add your own ideas!
Future Plans
Make a YT channel with a ton of videos, which could bring in new people, and even a bit of revenue....