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2 bytes added, 17:04, 29 July 2016
/* Parallel charging */
===== Parallel charging =====
* Don't charge batteries that have a lot of difference in tension (>15V) as too much current will from from one to an other more than the battery can hold (usually 2-3C)
* Don't charge batteries with different cell count (4 cells with 4 cells)
# Check all batteries with a LiPo checkers
# Order them by tension, group them accordingly
# Don't charge batteries that have a lot of difference in tension (>15V) as too much current will from from one to an other more than the battery can hold (usually 2-3C)
# Don't charge batteries with different cell count (4 cells with 4 cells)
# Before chargin, plug all the batteries on the parallel board WITHOUT the balance plug. When the batteries equalize, some important current can flow throught them, the balance plug may burn if the board is not current limited
# Start charging and look at the cells tension to see they are all pretty much the same (~1-2V)
# Monitor the whole process, never charge unattended
# * In case of smoke, remove the charger from power immediatly# * Don't srpay water, you can use dirt or sand to limit propagation of fire
==== PIDs ====
ControlGroup, administrator