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2,787 bytes added, 12:03, 7 November 2013
/* Information */
== Information ==
* VPN configuration [[File:VPN.tgz]]

== First Contact ==

welcome to 0ldEur0pe-City - this year's rwthCTF special event. We are
pleased to see that you take up the challenge of running a modern city with
all its electronic pleasantries and convenience gadgets. Is it really
possible to provide stable, reliable and secure software solutions for the
critical infrastructure of a whole city? It's your turn to prove all these
skeptics out there wrong!

Your city has been assigned the postal code 18 (your team id).

Attached, you will find your VPN certificate and config file that enable you
to connect your city to the world wide city network.

In order to be prepared for the real challenge, please download our test
image at
(sha256: 84a054ef154e0bdc1e3de27aaac2c0ceccfedf4c1f09e01697235ae992e574b5)

alternatively, you may use the following torrent

and follow the instructions at

to test your VirtualBox and OpenVPN setup.

Please note that the Internet provider of your city decided some years ago
to be prepared for the future and upgraded all its systems to dual stack
mode of IPv4 and IPv6 in parallel. Your citizens got used to the advantages
of this modern technology. Thus, you should be able to provide a dual stack
setup for the game. We want to indicate that this only requires an IPv4
Internet connection. The IPv6 traffic to your city is tunneled via VPN.

Your city is assigned the networks

All the central services of your city (your vulnbox) must be reachable at and fd73:d95d:a475:120:1.

If your setup works, you should be able to ping our national authority
server (gameserver) at / fd73:d95d:a475:1000::1 and we should be
able to ping your city's central services. Everything else (including the
scoreboard) is firewalled for now. Please remember that due to Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) IP traffic exchanged between the vulnbox and the VPN MUST

The final image of your city will be released for download soon in encrypted
form. You will receive another email in due time before the start of the
game. We will open the firewall and start pushing flags at 9th November
14:00 CET. The decryption key for the city's image will be published a few
minutes earlier.

Feel free to ask questions in #rwthctf at

In addition to your VPN credentials, you can catch a first glimpse of your
city attached to this mail.

See you on Saturday and make your city prosper,

The 0ldEur0pe-City team

ControlGroup, administrator