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MPD Daemon

1,292 bytes removed, 16:24, 26 June 2013
== Information ==
* Stats:** Run from /etc/rc.local** Generate stats (for now in root's crontab)** Scripts: /home/rorist/{,mpd-stats/*.pl}** Sqlite DB: /home/rorist/.mpd-stats/mpd-stats == Connect to MPD ===== Glurp ===* Very nice client* Click on PL to open tabs and go to config, just add and there you go[[File:Glurp.png]] === Sonata ===* Sonata crash when people make a full update Provide an RSS feed of the library, apart from this the client is still usable.twitter account activity* Configuration for the Sonata client* .config/sonata/sonatarc<pre>Used with [profiles]num_profiles = 1names[0Jsonbot] = Foohosts[0] = mpd.on our IRC channel #fixme.chports[0] = 6600passwords[0] = musicdirs[0] = #should be changed to your $HOME</pre> === MPDDroid ===on freenode* A nice mpd client for android. A configuration panel will pop enter the same information as the other client, and voila. === NCMPCPP ===* Command line client === GMPC ===* Nice GTK client* == API ==There is a simple mpd api which will get bigger with the time. If you want to participate or add something, just send [[User:gcmalloc|gcmalloc]] a ping. The api is documented on https://mpdgithub.fixme.chcom/api == Music files ==For now,* directory Astalaseven/media/disk1/music** subdirectory Music** subdirectory Playlists** Permissions: sysadmin:sysadmin, dirs=774, files=664 Input file should go into the ftp or using the nfs in /free_for_all/Musictwitter-rss
== Participant ==
* [[User:Rorist]]
* [[User:Freestorm]]
* [[User:Gcmalloc]]
ControlGroup, administrator