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AG 2015 April

393 bytes added, 15:41, 21 January 2015
/* Proposition 3 */
| 300.00 chf
| Awesomeness + Good feeling of helping great association + key + locker + one gold T-Shirt every Year! + Guaranteed spot on the couch for burger time!
==== Proposition 4 ====
* Every member has the key, the advanced level cleary state "or more", special is included in advanced --[[User:Rorist]]
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"| Nom
! scope="col"| Prix étudiant
! scope="col"| Prix adulte
! scope="col"| Avantages
! scope="row"| Standard
| 5 chf
| 10 chf
| Key
! scope="row"| Advanced
| 30 chf or more
| 60 chf or more
| Key
ControlGroup, administrator