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Normes et homologations du Long André

811 bytes added, 14:57, 9 July 2015
/* ISO 4210 - Cycles - Exigences de sécurité des bicyclettes */
4.7 Brakes — Heat-resistance test
Annex A (informative) Explanation of the method of least squares for obtaining the line of best fit and ±20 % limit lines for braking performance linearity
=== Partie 4: Méthodes d'essai de guidage ===
4 Test methods
4.1 Handlebar grips and plugs
4.1.1 Freezing test
4.1.2 Hot water test
4.2 Handlebar stem — Lateral bending test
4.3 Handlebar and stem assembly — Lateral bending test
4.4 Handlebar stem — Forward bending test
4.4.1 Test method for stage 1
4.4.2 Test method for stage 2
4.5 Handlebar to handlebar stem — Torsional security test
4.6 Handlebar stem to fork steerer — Torsional security test
4.7 Bar end to handlebar — Torsional security test
4.8 Aerodynamic extensions to handlebar — Torsional security test
4.9 Handlebar and stem assembly — Fatigue test
4.9.1 Test method for city and trekking, young adult, and mountain bicycles
4.9.2 Test method for racing bicycles
== ISO 6742 - Cycles - Éclairage et dispositifs rétro-réfléchissants ==