L'atelier UCmakerspace:
** de l'entreprises SwissKoo et d'autres entreprises employant le "Coworking",
* est sous la supervision de [ Marc] et de l'organisation UniverCité.
* Plan: [[File:PlanMakerspaceUC.pdf]]
* User levelsNiveaux d'utilisateurs/autorisations ("ceintures d'arts martiaux"): [[File:EvaluationDesUtilisateursHackuarium.pdf]] = Texte original =
The atelier, also known as UCmakerspace, is still being set up. The general concept is that we can't use machines without colonelmoutarde's supervision. If you want to bring new machines, you have to talk to the responsible people (otherwise there is too much stuff and we don't know where it's from). The fixme electronics corner can be used as much as you want - however we aren't supposed to touch other machines.
= Matériel/machines =
== Laser ==
Le danger est sérieux dans un tel atelier. Pour les divereses autorisations, cf. [ document Evaluation Des Utilisateurs].
Nous avons des DVDs provenant de la SUVA concernant divers thèmes autour de la sécurité dans la bibliothèque de Fixme. (Liste des DVDs à venir...)