Every third (3rd!) thursday of the month. We usually start by watching one or 2 shorts movies, so bring your selection. You can also ask any questions about 3D or anything graphics related, share your creations, problems, ideas.
This meeting is open to everyone! Including 2D/ 3D artists / fans / gamedevs / Game Designers / VR geeks / SFX VFX nerds. Meetup group to join (or just come to the space):
== Next meeting ==
* 20h Short movie projected : Cosmos Laundromat from the Blender Foundation
* 20h15 Feedback, critics, we check together one .blend of the movie, We talk about sharing assets and creative commons.
*20h30 We start talking VR,
== Potential subjects/activities/ideas ==
=== Réalité Virtuelle ===
* Discuss devices, techniques and challenges
=== Blender ===
* modeling and mesh creations
=== Krita Painting (textures, matte) ===
* painting 101