+-----------------+ | W E E K M A I L | +-----------------+ +--------------------------+ | 05.12.2017 | | Numéro 139 | | Semaine 49 | +--------------------------+
Ce week-end a eu lieu le premier Hackathon VR à FIXME. L’occasion pour de nombreuses personnes d’essayer différentes solutions de réalité virtuelle, que ce soit en tant qu’utilisateur ou codeur. 35 personnes sont arrivées vendredi soir et après un sympathique apéro ont formé des équipes variées, qui ont produit tout au long du week-end des projets très intéressants que nous avons pu tester dimanche après-midi à 16h.
Voici une liste des projets réalisés:
Asymmetric VR Snake game (Main Award Winner) A game for Gear VR that rethinks the classical Nokia snake game in a VR way. One player with the VR glasses is the snake in FPV and turns by using head movements. The others players (using mobile phones) can either annoy the snake by placing bombs, or help him.
The exploding robot (Jarvis Award) Team Mate built an AR game with ARkit, arduinos, gyros, 3d printing and creativity. The player controls a robot in the augmented world with the magic stick, while someone can explode that robot with the BRB (big red button)
VR karaoke (Minority Award) A game for the Vive. Player is on stage and must sing in tune with the King (Love me tender), otherwise the public gets angry and starts throwing tomatoes, which can be avoided or thrown back using the microphone/controller
Keep typing and nobody explodes. (Michael Bay Award) Game for learning to write on a Logitech VR keyboard. Write the word correctly and the bomb defuses, do it wrong and it explodes
Experimental research on best practice of VR interaction development of framework for those kind of research
Hololens game prototype People enjoyed trying the Hololens
Game shelf inventory Development in Unreal engine of a Inventory shelf for a game that falls from the sky, and acts as a protection from external enemies.
Pano photo viewer for the web WebVR page for viewing panoramic photos with the right FOV
Hold your eye in your hand An installation (not built this weekend) where you can hold a camera attached to a FPV glasses that will allow you to view the world from different perspectives.
Jarvis HUD headset prototype How would it feel to be Mr. Stark in an Ironman suit and see Jarvis in your HUD
VR electronics store 2 young people also experimented with the Vive, and created a VR environment of a big electronic store
Événements à venir
- Mercredi 6 décembre dès 19h00: Rencontre hebdomadaire
Mot de la fin
Q: Three kittens were on a roof. which one slipped off first? A: The one with the lowest µ*
- mu = coefficient of friction
NOTE: Vous voulez parler de votre projet dans le weekmail ou vous avez un événement à présenter? envoyez toutes les infos à l'adresse de contact usuelle.