[hide]Checklist for creating or deleting accounts
Checklist for new comer
- Bulding key
- Local key
- Locker key and number
- Invite to create mattermost account
Send welcome PDFautomatic - Invite new member to create a wiki account
- Pass on our internal regulation
- Pass on our status
- Register in odoo
Checklist for new comer in comité
- Create address
- Add personal address in group
- Invite user at channel #comite
- Create Odoo account
- Enable access on Google Docs
- Give the key to the comitee locker
Checklist for communication responsable
- Access at fixme twitter account
- Access at fixme facebook account
- Access at drupal account for editing the website
Checklist for a person leaving fixme
- Bulding key
- Local key
- Compartement key
- Remove slack account
Checklist for a person leaving the comité
- Remove address
- Remove personal address in group
- Remove user from channel #comite
- Remove Odoo account
- Disable access on Google Docs
- Get back the comitee locker key
- Date reception e-mail to quit Fixme
Checklist for communication responsable
- Remove access at fixme twitter account
- Remove access at fixme facebook account
- Remove access at drupal account for editing the website