RC3 2021
From Fixme.ch
December 27-30, 2021
As we're all missing the usual in-person Congress, we're planning to do a local gathering at FIXME in December 27-30, feel free to join and bring your own ideas! Local will be opened everyday from beginning of afternoon to late night, just like the regular CCC schedule.
- Official
- Congress has been renamed from NOWHERE to NOW/HERE
- Announcement: https://events.ccc.de/2021/10/13/remote-chaos-experience/#rc3-2021-en-version
- Fahrplan: https://rc3.world/2021/public_fahrplan
- Live streaming: https://streaming.media.ccc.de/
- Blog: https://events.ccc.de/category/rc3/
- Tickets: https://tickets.events.ccc.de/RC3-21/
- Chat: https://chat.rc3.world/
- Chat: https://chat.fixme.ch/fixme/channels/20_rc3
- Pad: https://pad.fixme.ch/p/rc3
- Please register yourself on this framadate
- Jitsi https://jitsi.rc3.world/rc321fixmesharedvirtualfixme
- Drinks:
- Club Mate
- Weizenbier
- Food:
- Curry Wurst https://migusto.migros.ch/fr/recettes/saucisse-au-curry
2D worlds
- FIXME World: https://git.fixme.ch/FIXME/rc3-world-fixme/
- Linter: https://git.cccv.de/hub/walint
- It's using https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure
- Remote conferences / Talks ideas
- Faces of Engineers
- Intro to Radio stuff
- Lightning Talks accross hackerspaces
- (Typescript)
- Geneva hackerspace telepresence (over jitsi meet ?)
- Teletext Hacking
- Soldering kit
- Dedicated jam zone with live music (AKA uBerhgain)
- Mix
- Synth (OP-1, Volcas, Modular, ...)
- Guitar/Drums