I'm a tinkerer, a hacker and a maker. I have worked on the following projets:
- Laser Cutter Testing various settings, calibrating and cleaning machine, documentation on how to use, and troubleshooting
- Doorbell A virtual doorbell that allows people without a card to access the space easily, by alerting people already in the space using audio, visual and push notifications
- Control Created a hub for controlling things (primarily LEDs) and reading sensor data
- Sticker printer Thermal printer that prints nice stickers like QR codes and other useful things
- Projector client A Raspberry Pi that allows anyone from a Mac/Linux/Windows computer, or an Android/iOS device, to share audio/video/screen wirelessly to a projector and a TV
- LED Retrofit Control LEDs and relays from a web interface, with additional Internet of Things applications in development (wiki page is outdated)
- Hackerspaces.ch Website intended to be a 'hub' for hackerspaces in Switzerland, with a dynamically updating map
- Ultimaker Main 3D printer at fixme (I mostly worked on polishing up the documentation and helping new comers out to understand it)
Other projects that haven't been worked on much:
- Vending machine Interface for the fridge that allows to keep inventory data and accept non-cash payments -> next project I'm going to work on
- Geocache Piratebox Create a geocache with an integrated piratebox
- Permission Stickers Sticker for identifying things at the hs, print with thermal printer
- HS video tour Tour of the HS on video - more or less done so in unlisted video here
- Repair Café Wanted/want to create a recurring repair café event at fixme
- Screens Page with a list of screens and what they do
- Mesh networking Explore mesh networking at the hackerspace
- Raspberry Pi workshop Organise a second RPi workshop event
- Diy Blink1 Diy Blink1
- GIMP/PS Workshop Tried to organise a gimp/photoshop workshop but there was little interest at the time