In French :
Après une petite interruption les ElectroJam reprennent, celles-ci auront lieu 4x par années, mais qu'est-ce donc qu'une ElectrJam à FIXME : le/la participant(e) jouera à nouveau quelques partitions à base d'électronique, d'informatique et de mécanique, pour que des projets prennent vie !!!
In English :
After a pause, ElectroJam will start again, taking place 4 times a year. But what is the ElectroJam at FIXME? It's an event/hackathon where anyone can com and play with electronics, computers, and mechanical stuff, so that some projects come to live !!!
Past events : ElectroJam1 // ElectroJam2 // ElectroJam3
- DATE : the september 12, 2014
- Time : from 20:00
- Event page:
In French :
Durant cette soirée/nuit (pour les plus courageux), le but est d'utiliser les différents éléments qu'offre le Fixme (composants, outils, apport de matériels de chacun) pour laisser s'exprimer le côté "brut" de la technique, et ainsi commencer, poursuivre ou terminer un/des projet
In English :
During this evening/night, the goal is to start, continue or finish a project (or several); using different resources available at Fixme (components, tools, gifts user) to leave your spirit express to begin, .
Activities examples :
- Programming (uC, uP, web page, script,...)
- Electronics (making a prototype on protoboard or on PCB; using software such as KICAD, SCILABS, ... discover electronics components and their working with datasheet)
- Mechanical (3D printing, cutting, sawing, drilling,... )
- People (share knowledge, find out others, ...)
- your limits !!!
- Arrangement
- Electronics components (resistors,
capacitycapacitors, diodes, transistors, ICs, uCs, uPs, motors, LEDs,...) - PC's/Macs
- Electronics Book
- Pizza
- Beer
- Prix Garantie
- Maybe other beer if someone actually bothers
- Stuff to open your spirit
Project in the back
In French
Avec le lien ci-dessous, tu peux déjà choisir sur quel projet tu aimerais venir apporter, partager ou découvrir tes connaissances... n'hésite pas non plus a rajouter ton projet
In English
With the link below, you can choice the projet or offer your project
Example of project :
- Fixme_Y_choice (suite)
- Arbre Twitter - Fixme (suite)
- Affichage Hack-CFF (suite)
- DMX protocole (Special Fixme RS485 home-made protocol)
- Workshop Kicad / PCB (New)
- Odometer for a bike (New)
- your project
- User:Binary_Brain 100% chance to be present. Loading completed.
- User:dgellow
- User:Nemen
- User:gcmalloc
- User:Marcha ???
- User:Noskill
- User:Philoux
- User:Jhu ElectroJam... for sure !
- User:Sasha yes
- User:Pherjung yes
- and you (members or non members of Fixme) ???
A completer par vos photos
Unlisted video from last electrojam